Design Ready and Done in Seconds with AI

Generate Infinite Content For Your Business


The fastest way to grow your business

We automate all the grunt work away, so you can focus on what you do best.
  • AI generated ideas

  • Design Ready

  • Customizable

  • Auto resizing

  • Export to all formats

  • Multi Project

See some examples of
content that works
across your socials

Our AI generated content ideas are perfect for all your social media accounts.
Here are some examples of generated content ideas in seconds

Choose the Tone of Voice and Style of your Communications

Your business is unique, and so should be your communications. Choose the tone of voice and style of your communications to match your brand.
Screenshot of the captions section of

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answered all frequently asked questions, Still confused? feel free to contact us.

How to post a carousel to LinkedIn?

Download a PDF from Rusher.AI

After crafting your post with Rusher.AI simply click on the "Download Slides" button, and select "Download PDF"

Access LinkedIn

Visit the LinkedIn website or launch the LinkedIn app on your mobile device. Make sure to log in to your account to initiate the sharing of your content.

Initiate a New Post

Click on the "Start a post" or the "+" button, typically located at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, to commence the creation of a new post.

Select Your PDF

Choose the document icon, usually represented by a paperclip or a similar symbol, then locate and pick the PDF you've prepared for your carousel.

LinkedIn Converts to Carousel

After uploading your PDF, LinkedIn will automatically transform it into a carousel format within your post, enabling viewers to smoothly scroll through multiple pages.

Compose a Caption

Include a caption in your post to provide context or share insights related to your carousel. Employ relevant hashtags (#) to enhance visibility and connect with broader LinkedIn topics.

Share Your Post

Finally, click "Post" or "Publish" to disseminate your carousel to your LinkedIn network, allowing them to engage with your multi-page content.

And that concludes the process! Your carousel is now on LinkedIn for everyone to view. Don't forget to monitor your post and engage with those who comment on it.

How to post a carousel to Instagram

Download Images from Rusher.AI

After crafting your post with Rusher.AI simply click on the "Download Slides" button, and select "Download Images"

Open Instagram

Begin by launching your Instagram app. Tap on the '+' icon, typically located at the bottom of your screen, to initiate the creation of a new post.

Select Carousel

Look for the carousel icon, resembling stacked squares or layers, and click on it. Now, choose up to 10 images or videos that you wish to share in a single post.

Edit and Arrange

Take a moment to edit each image or video to your liking. You can add filters, adjust brightness, and make other changes. Also, ensure to arrange them in the order you want your viewers to see them.

Write a Caption

Compose a catchy and engaging caption for your post. Feel free to use emojis for expression and include relevant hashtags to enhance the discoverability of your post.


Once everything looks good and you're happy with your carousel, tap 'Share' to post it to your Instagram feed.

How to post a Carousel to TikTok

Download Images from Rusher.AI

After crafting your post with Rusher.AI simply click on the "Download Slides" button, and select "Download Images" Make sure you're using the 9:16 aspect ratio

Access TikTok

Open the TikTok app and log in to your account.

Initiate a New Post

Tap the "+" icon situated at the bottom of the screen to start creating your post.

Upload Your Media

On the content creation screen, click the "Upload" button located in the bottom right corner.

Select Your Images

Choose the images from your gallery that you want to include in your carousel and tap "Next."

Enhance with Music and Effects

On the content editing page, apply music and effects to enhance the overall experience of your carousel.

Craft a Caption

Once content with your carousel, compose a captivating caption and include relevant hashtags to improve discoverability.

Share Your Carousel

Tap "Share" to upload your carousel to TikTok, making it visible to your followers and the wider TikTok community.

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